Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Carbohydrate ID Lab


In the Carbohydrate Lab we used Flour, Starch and a poptart. For the larger amount of the lab we used Iodine. All but one time did the results come out that they were all Poly. Even when we boiled some and didn't with others, Poly was the overall winner of our lab results.
Lab Results:
Glucose + Benedict = Mono (Boiled)
When we mixed these two together the glucose turned orange after we boiled it for about 3-5 minutes (First from left in photo) 
Flour + Benedict = Poly (Boiled)
When we mixed these two together half of it turned into a light blue, while the other side remained white, but a darker shade (Second from left in photo) 
Starch + Benedict = Poly (Boiled)
After mixing these two together they turned into a very light blue that was almost see through (Third from left in photo)  
Iodine + Starch = Poly
When we mixed these two together all it did was turn black. 
       Iodine + Flour = Poly
       When we mixed these two together all it did was turn black.
Poptart + Benedict = Poly (Boiled)
There was no reaction even when boiled. It just looked like floaters. (Not in photo)
In conclusion we learned that all Carbohaydrates have monosaccharides and sometimes get put together into BIGGER chains called Polysaccharides.

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